Sick Building Syndrome is referred to as a condition where symptoms develop within a building and are relieved when outside the building, with the cause remaining unidentified. It generally occurs in adults.
What are the symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome? Irritation, itching or burning sensation in the eyes, Burning or dryness in the throat, Itching, congestion, dryness in the nose (minimal sneezing/runny nose), Dryness and pain in the throat, Fatigue, headache, irritability, difficulty concentrating, dizziness, Dryness, itching, redness on the skin, Shortness of breath, cough. What are the characteristics of symptoms seen in Sick Building Syndrome?
The distinctive feature of the symptoms experienced in Sick Building Syndrome is that they occur within the building and rapidly improve within minutes of leaving the building (skin itching might not improve as quickly).
What are the causes of Sick Building Syndrome?
Smoking, insulation materials, floorings, adhesives, drywalls, varnishes, polishes, photocopiers, and fax machines can contribute. Formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, ozone, and volatile organic compounds are thought to be among the causative agents.
What factors exacerbate Sick Building Syndrome?
Sedentary lifestyle, low buildings, excessive belongings, numerous air purification devices, photocopiers, smoking, bright lights, mold, humidity, large buildings, old buildings, excessive flooring could all contribute.
How is it diagnosed?
Complaints occurring in the same building and improving upon leaving, symptoms present in at least 5 organ systems (such as eyes, throat, lungs, skin, nervous system), and the absence of allergic diseases, psychological disorders, thyroid diseases are necessary for diagnosis.
Is there a definitive test for diagnosis?
Although there is no specific test for a definitive diagnosis, elevated levels of 8-hydroxyguanosine in urine could indicate the condition.
What precautions can be taken against Sick Building Syndrome? Banning smoking. Use of non-toxic and non-volatile materials. Elimination of odors from new carpets and furniture before use. Increased availability of cleanable surfaces. Storage of stored items in enclosed compartments. Prevention of liquid leaks. Reducing photocopiers and printers. Cleaning and replacement of air filters.